Friday, May 9, 2014

Edition Based Redefiniton - 11gR2

Edition based Redefinition – 11gR2

Edition-based redefinition is a new feature of Oracle 11g Release 2 and it’s a ‘killer’.  When you want to upgrade the application by making changes in the database and code like Pl/sql, the edition-based feature ensures you with ZERO DOWNTIME.
Background: Take a case that you want to make some changes in database like modifying the column size, adding new columns, deleting columns,etc,. then you would see that many objects going invalid and the application will be affected. If you enabled edition-based feature, then the old codes, database structures are maintained without affecting the application & end users. Then, at the same time, we can do modifications to new version.
What are Editions?
Oracle database now has editions where we can have different users using different editions. Every schema has at least one edition (ORA$BASE) but each edition will have a child edition.
SQL> select property_value from database_properties where property_name='DEFAULT_EDITION';

When a new edition is used by a schema, all editionable objects are inherited by new edition from the previous/parent edition.  Eventhough, if you have objects inherited from previous one, when you drop or modify the objects, it will stop doing so to the inheritance of that object.
Editionable Objects
Not all objects can be different in different editions. For eg., the tables need to be same for all editions. But we can add columns to them without affecting the current code. Currently, this is handled by fine grained dependency tracking. But when you add a column to a table, depending code will no longer become invalid which used to happen in older database versions. Following objects are editionable and can have different implementations in different editions of a schema.
Ø  Synonym
Ø  Views
Ø  Functions
Ø  Package
Ø  Procedure
Ø  Types
Ø  Library and
Ø  Trigger

Following are the exceptions
Ø  Tables for instance
Ø  Public synonyms are non-editionable.

Pre-requisites for Edition

To create an edition, we need to have CREATE ANY EDITION and DROP ANY edition system privilege.  If we want to create edition as a child of another edition, you must have the USE object privilege on the parent edition.

Grant create any edition, drop any edition to <username>;
Alter user <username> enable editions;

To check what is the edition we are using , we can issue the following statement.

SQL> select sys_context('USERENV','CURRENT_EDITION_NAME') from dual;


Users are also granted access to specific editions using the below statement.

Grant use on edition <edition_name> to <username>;


An edition is a complete set of all schema objects like views,programs,etc. When we create an edition, all objects are inherited from the parent edition (by default ORA$BASE). When we make a change to the objects of child edition, the inheritance is stopped.  When  we create new objects in new edition, it will not be visible to the parent edition.

Enabling Editions in the database and session level
Below statements are used for enabling the editions at database level or session level.
Alter session set edition=<edition_name>;
Alter database default edition=<edition_name>;

DBA_editions show the default,childand parent editions.

Mutiple Editions

If you want to create multiple editions, the new edition will inherit from previous child edition.

SQL> create edition edition2;

Edition created.

SQL> select * from dba_Editions;

EDITION_NAME                   PARENT_EDITION_NAME            USA
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---
ORA$BASE                                                      YES
EDITION1                       ORA$BASE                       YES
EDITION2                       EDITION1                       YES

If you try to create multiple editions for single parent, you will end up with an error.

SQL> create edition edition3 as child of ORA$BASE;
create edition edition3 as child of ORA$BASE
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-38807: Implementation restriction: an edition can have only one child

To check which are the users are using EDITIONS and enabled, we can check from dba_users.

SQL> select username,editions_enabled from dba_users where editions_enabled='Y';

USERNAME                       E
------------------------------ -
TEST1                          Y

Example1 How table creation does not have any impact on Edition based

1.       Login as test1 user whom we have given ‘create any edition’ and ‘drop any edition’ privileges.
SQL> show user;
            USER is "SYS"

SQL> grant create any edition,drop any edition to test1;

Grant succeeded.

SQL> alter user test1 enable editions;

User altered.
Conn test1/test1
SQL> show user;
               USER is "TEST1"

2.       Check for the current edition for the user in current session.

select sys_context('USERENV','CURRENT_EDITION_NAME') from dual;


3.       Now we will create a new edition under TEST1 user.
SQL> create edition edition1;

Edition created.

4.       Alter the session to use new edition ‘EDITION1’
SQL> alter session set edition=edition1;

Session altered.

SQL>  select sys_context('USERENV','CURRENT_EDITION_NAME') from dual;


5.       Now, we will create NON-editionable objects and see whether they are available in other session. As name suggests, it should be available in other sessions.

SQL> create table testedition (id number(10),city varchar2(30));
Table created.

SQL> insert into testedition values(1,'Mumbai');
1 row created.

SQL>  insert into testedition values(2,'Delhi');
1 row created.

SQL> commit;

6.       Now check for the objects under the session using the new edition.
SQL> select object_name,object_type from user_objects order by object_type;

OBJECT_NAME                                   OBJECT_TYPE
--------------------------------------------- -------------------
RKI_INDEX                                     INDEX
INSERT_RKI                                    PROCEDURE
LOAD_DATA                                     PROCEDURE
NOVALIDTABLE                                  TABLE
TESTNOBKP                                     TABLE
BKPTEST                                       TABLE
RKI_DETAILS                                   TABLE
TEST_ACTIVE4                                  TABLE
TEST_ACTIVE5                                  TABLE
RKI                                           TABLE
TESTEDITION                                   TABLE
BLKTEST                                       TABLE

SQL> select * from TESTEDITION;

        ID CITY
---------- ------------------------------
         1 Mumbai
         2 Delhi

Check for the objects under the session which is using a default session (ORA$BASE)

SQL> select sys_context('USERENV','CURRENT_EDITION_NAME') from dual;


SQL> select object_name,object_type from user_objects order by object_type;
OBJECT_NAME                         OBJECT_TYPE
----------------------------------- -------------------
RKI_INDEX                           INDEX
INSERT_RKI                          PROCEDURE
LOAD_DATA                           PROCEDURE
TEST_ACTIVE4                        TABLE
NOVALIDTABLE                        TABLE
RKI_DETAILS                         TABLE
BLKTEST                             TABLE
BKPTEST                             TABLE
TEST_ACTIVE5                        TABLE
RKI                                 TABLE
TESTEDITION                         TABLE
TESTNOBKP                           TABLE

SQL> select * from TESTEDITION;

        ID CITY
---------- ------------------------------
         1 Mumbai
         2 Delhi

In the above results, we see that the table TESTEDITION is available in other session which is using the default edition.

We also see that data of a new table are accessible from two different versions of a schema with a single base table. The version of application used depends upon the sessions edition setting.

Example 2Next, we will see what happens when we create an EDITIONABLE object.

1.       Login as Test1 user.
SQL>  select sys_context('USERENV','CURRENT_EDITION_NAME') from dual;


SQL> create synonym testedit for testedition;

Synonym created.

SQL> select object_name,object_type from user_objects order by object_type;

OBJECT_NAME                                   OBJECT_TYPE
--------------------------------------------- -------------------
RKI_INDEX                                     INDEX
INSERT_RKI                                    PROCEDURE
LOAD_DATA                                     PROCEDURE
TESTEDIT                                      SYNONYM
NOVALIDTABLE                                  TABLE
TESTNOBKP                                     TABLE
BKPTEST                                       TABLE
RKI_DETAILS                                   TABLE
TEST_ACTIVE4                                  TABLE
TEST_ACTIVE5                                  TABLE
RKI                                           TABLE
TESTEDITION                                   TABLE
BLKTEST                                       TABLE

2.       Check in Session using ORA$BASE
SQL> select sys_context('USERENV','CURRENT_EDITION_NAME') from dual;


SQL> select object_name,object_type from user_objects order by object_type;

OBJECT_NAME                         OBJECT_TYPE
----------------------------------- -------------------
RKI_INDEX                           INDEX
INSERT_RKI                          PROCEDURE
LOAD_DATA                           PROCEDURE
TEST_ACTIVE4                        TABLE
NOVALIDTABLE                        TABLE
RKI_DETAILS                         TABLE
BLKTEST                             TABLE
BKPTEST                             TABLE
TEST_ACTIVE5                        TABLE
RKI                                 TABLE
TESTEDITION                         TABLE
TESTNOBKP                           TABLE

Its noted that the editionable object (synonym) is not available in other edition. .

3.       Now, let’s alter this session also to use the edition EDITION1 and see whether we are able to see the synonym TESTEDIT.
[oracle@vm1 ~]$ sqlplus test1

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Feb 19 11:49:43 2014

Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Enter password:

Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

SQL> alter session set edition=edition1;

Session altered.

SQL> set lines 150
SQL> set pages 30000
SQL> col object_name format a35
SQL> select object_name,object_type from user_objects order by object_type;

OBJECT_NAME                         OBJECT_TYPE
----------------------------------- -------------------
RKI_INDEX                           INDEX
INSERT_RKI                          PROCEDURE
LOAD_DATA                           PROCEDURE
TESTEDIT                            SYNONYM
NOVALIDTABLE                        TABLE
TESTNOBKP                           TABLE
BKPTEST                             TABLE
RKI_DETAILS                         TABLE
TEST_ACTIVE4                        TABLE
TEST_ACTIVE5                        TABLE
RKI                                 TABLE
TESTEDITION                         TABLE
BLKTEST                             TABLE

Now, it’s available even-though we open new session and set EDITION to new/child edition, it is available.

Example 3: Let us see more by using simple Pl/SQL procedures.

1.       Login to a sql plus with default edition and create a pl/sql procedure.

SQL>  select sys_context('USERENV','CURRENT_EDITION_NAME') from dual;



create or replace procedure test_edition
edit_name varchar2(30);
select sys_context('USERENV','CURRENT_EDITION_NAME') into edit_name from dual;
dbms_output.put_line('The edition name is '||edit_name);

SQL> exec test_edition;
The edition name is ORA$BASE

2.       Now log in to another session and alter the session to use EDITION1 (child of ORA$BASE) and execute the procedure.
SQL> select sys_context('USERENV','CURRENT_EDITION_NAME') from dual;

SQL> alter session set edition=edition1;

Session altered.
SQL> set serverout on
SQL> exec test_edition;
The edition name is EDITION1

The reason why we are able to execute the procedure of ORA$BASE is that the object is inherited. But now, if we make a change to this procedure in EDITION1 , it will not reflect in the parent edition.

3.       In the session using EDITION1, we change the code for the pl/sql block as below and executed.
SQL> select sys_context('USERENV','CURRENT_EDITION_NAME') from dual;

create or replace procedure test_edition
edit_name varchar2(30);
select sys_context('USERENV','CURRENT_EDITION_NAME') into edit_name from dual;
dbms_output.put_line('The edition name is '||edit_name);
dbms_output.put_line ('Welcome to my new edition' ||edit_name);
SQL> exec test_edition
The edition name is EDITION1
Welcome to my new editionEDITION1

4.       But now, if we execute the procedure from the default edition session, we see the output is not changed.
SQL>  select sys_context('USERENV','CURRENT_EDITION_NAME') from dual;


SQL> exec test_edition
The edition name is ORA$BASE

How to check to which Editions are used by the editionable objects that are used in our previous example (SYNONYM,PROCEDURE) .  This can be viewed from user_objects_ae view.

SQL> select object_name,status,object_type,edition_name from user_objects_ae;

OBJECT_NAME                         STATUS  OBJECT_TYPE         EDITION_NAME
----------------------------------- ------- ------------------- ------------------------------
RKI_DETAILS                         VALID   TABLE
RKI_INDEX                           VALID   INDEX
BKPTEST                             VALID   TABLE
LOAD_DATA                           VALID   PROCEDURE           ORA$BASE
INSERT_RKI                          VALID   PROCEDURE           ORA$BASE
BLKTEST                             VALID   TABLE
TESTNOBKP                           VALID   TABLE
NOVALIDTABLE                        VALID   TABLE
TEST_ACTIVE4                        VALID   TABLE
TEST_ACTIVE5                        VALID   TABLE
RKI                                 VALID   TABLE
TESTEDITION                         VALID   TABLE
TESTEDIT                            VALID   SYNONYM             EDITION1
TEST_EDITION                        VALID   PROCEDURE           EDITION1

TEST_EDITION                        VALID   PROCEDURE           ORA$BASE

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