Thursday, May 15, 2014

Recovery of the database when we lose redo logs which are ACTIVE & CURRENT (Same as Scenario 2)

There are situations when we lose redo log files which are ACTIVE. Let us see the scenario how to recover the database when we come to that situation.
Scenario 1 :
Ø  Redo log files are ACTIVE and ARCHIVED. 
Ø  CHECKPOINT is completed.
Ø  No need to restore from backup.

1. Let us see the redo log files status

SQL> select,a.archived,a.thread#,b.member,a.status from v$log a, v$logfile b where order by;

    GROUP# ARC    THREAD# MEMBER                                                            STATUS
---------- --- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
         1 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g01a.log                            INACTIVE
         1 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g01b.log                            INACTIVE
         2 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g02b.log                            ACTIVE
         2 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g02a.log                            ACTIVE
         3 NO           1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g03b.log                            CURRENT
         3 NO           1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g03a.log                            CURRENT

2. In the above o/p, group# 2 is ACTIVE and ARCHIVED.  Now, we will create some tables and perform inserts, and then we will do a redolog switch.  Let’s create table and insert records to store in Group 3
execute immediate 'create table test1.test_active4 (a number)'; 
for i in 1 .. 100 
execute immediate 'insert into test1.test_active4 values (:a)' using i; 
end loop; 
SQL> alter system switch logfile;

System altered.

SQL> select,a.archived,a.thread#,b.member,a.status from v$log a, v$logfile b where order by;

    GROUP# ARC    THREAD# MEMBER                                                            STATUS
---------- --- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
         1 NO           1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g01a.log                            CURRENT
         1 NO           1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g01b.log                            CURRENT
         2 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g02b.log                            INACTIVE
         2 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g02a.log                            INACTIVE
         3 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g03b.log                            ACTIVE
         3 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g03a.log                            ACTIVE

3. In the above result, we see, group# 3 is ACTIVE and ARCHIVED. Now, we will create a table and insert recrords for group# 1.
SQL> create table test1.test_active5 (a number);

Table created.

for i in 1 .. 100 
execute immediate 'insert into test1.test_active5 values (:a)' using i; 
end loop; 

SQL> alter system switch logfile;

System altered.

SQL> select,a.archived,a.thread#,b.member,a.status from v$log a, v$logfile b where order by;

    GROUP# ARC    THREAD# MEMBER                                                       STATUS
---------- --- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
         1 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g01a.log                       ACTIVE
         1 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g01b.log                       ACTIVE
         2 NO           1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g02b.log                       CURRENT
         2 NO           1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g02a.log                       CURRENT
         3 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g03b.log                       ACTIVE
         3 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g03a.log                       ACTIVE

6 rows selected.

In the above result, now redolog group# 1 and 3 are in ACTIVE and ARCHIVED state.

4. Now, again , we will create another table for having data in redo log 2 group.

SQL> create table test1.test_active6 (a number);

Table created.

SQL> declare
for i in 1 .. 100
execute immediate 'insert into test1.test_active6 values (:a)' using i;
end loop;

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> alter system switch logfile;

System altered.

SQL> select,a.archived,a.thread#,b.member,a.status from v$log a, v$logfile b where order by;

    GROUP# ARC    THREAD# MEMBER                                                       STATUS
---------- --- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
         1 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g01a.log                       ACTIVE
         1 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g01b.log                       ACTIVE
         2 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g02b.log                       ACTIVE
         2 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g02a.log                       ACTIVE
         3 NO           1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g03b.log                       CURRENT
         3 NO           1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g03a.log                       CURRENT

6 rows selected.

5.       Finally , redo log group 3 is in CURRENT state and let us take the count of all 3 tables.

SQL> select count(1) from test_active4;


SQL> select count(1) from test_active5;


SQL> select count(1) from test_active6;


SQL>  select a,b,c from  (select count(1) a from test_active4),(select count(1) b from test_active5),(select count(1) c  from test_active6);

         A          B          C
---------- ---------- ----------
       100        100        100

6.       Now, we will remove/move the redo log files of group 2 which are ACTIVE and ARCHIVED.

[oracle@vm1 redofiles]$ rm redo_g02b.log
[oracle@vm1 redofiles]$ rm redo_g02a.log
[oracle@vm1 redofiles]$ ls -ltrh
total 401M
drwxr-x--- 5 oracle asmadmin 4.0K Feb  8 13:09 NOASMDB
-rw-r----- 1 oracle asmadmin 101M Feb 14 11:21 redo_g01b.log
-rw-r----- 1 oracle asmadmin 101M Feb 14 11:21 redo_g01a.log
-rw-r----- 1 oracle asmadmin 101M Feb 14 11:32 redo_g03b.log
-rw-r----- 1 oracle asmadmin 101M Feb 14 11:32 redo_g03a.log
[oracle@vm1 redofiles]$

7.       If the database is still running and the lost active redo log is not the current log, then issue the ALTER SYSTEM CHECKPOINT statement. If successful, then the active redo log becomes inactive.

SQL> select,a.archived,a.thread#,b.member,a.status from v$log a, v$logfile b where order by;

    GROUP# ARC    THREAD# MEMBER                                                            STATUS
---------- --- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
         1 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g01a.log                            INACTIVE
         1 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g01b.log                            INACTIVE
         2 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g02b.log                            INACTIVE
         2 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g02a.log                            INACTIVE
         3 NO           1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g03b.log                            CURRENT
         3 NO           1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g03a.log                            CURRENT

In our case, CHECKPOINT got completed automatically by oracle and it went to INACTIVE state. So, if you give “alter system checkpoint” again, then it will be successful without any errors. 

SQL> alter system checkpoint;

System altered.

SQL> select,a.archived,a.thread#,b.member,a.status from v$log a, v$logfile b where order by;

    GROUP# ARC    THREAD# MEMBER                                                            STATUS
---------- --- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
         1 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g01a.log                            INACTIVE
         1 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g01b.log                            INACTIVE
         2 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g02b.log                            INACTIVE
         2 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g02a.log                            INACTIVE
         3 NO           1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g03b.log                            CURRENT
         3 NO           1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g03a.log                            CURRENT

6 rows selected.

Now we are having a redo log 2 in INACTIVE and ARCHIVED state

8.       Also our database is available. No need to shutdown, in this case, we have issue the following command to recover the redo log file.

SQL> alter database clear logfile group 2;

Database altered.

SQL> select,a.archived,a.thread#,b.member,a.status from v$log a, v$logfile b where order by;

    GROUP# ARC    THREAD# MEMBER                                                            STATUS
---------- --- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
         1 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g01a.log                            INACTIVE
         1 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g01b.log                            INACTIVE
         2 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g02b.log                            UNUSED
         2 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g02a.log                            UNUSED
         3 NO           1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g03b.log                            CURRENT
         3 NO           1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g03a.log                            CURRENT

6 rows selected.

9.  Now, we have cleared the redo log for group#2. Let’s see whether we have data for our tables .Ideally, we created and inserted data for test_active6 for redo log group 2.

SQL> select count(1) from test1.test_active6;


Here we have records, it was because, those redo log files were ARCHIVED and became INACTIVE.  Hence the transaction was NOT LOST.

Scenario 2:  Incomplete recovery/Media Recovery
Ø  Redo log files are ACTIVE and ARCHIVED. 
Ø  CHECKPOINT is NOT completed.
Ø  Need to restore from backup until FIRST_CHANGE# SCN of the missing redo log group#

Since we do not lose transaction due to CHECPOINT completion, we will simulate the crash by killing the instance and avoid checkpoint.

1.       For this step, first we will identify the process id of smon.
[oracle@vm1 redofiles]$ ps -ef |grep smon
oracle    7678     1  0 11:59 ?        00:00:01 ora_smon_noasmdb
oracle    8079  7229  0 12:11 pts/6    00:00:00 grep smon
2.       Then in three different UNIX terminals, we will prepare the following commands (each on one terminal). In this way with just one RETURN button I'm able to remove the ACTIVE redo log group and kill the instance, without any checkpoint and "perhaps" loosing transactions. Do not execute the commands now.
mv redo_g01b.log redo_g01b.log.old; mv redo_g01a.log redo_g01a.log.old; kill -9 7678
mv redo_g02b.log redo_g02b.log.old; mv redo_g02a.log redo_g02a.log.old; kill -9 7678
mv redo_g03b.log redo_g03b.log.old; mv redo_g03a.log redo_g03a.log.old; kill -9 7678

3.       Now, we will create tables and perform switching of logfiles after every table creation.

SQL>  select,a.archived,a.thread#,b.member,a.status from v$log a, v$logfile b where order by;

    GROUP# ARC    THREAD# MEMBER                                                            STATUS
---------- --- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
         1 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g01a.log                            INACTIVE
         1 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g01b.log                            INACTIVE
         2 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g02b.log                            INACTIVE
         2 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g02a.log                            INACTIVE
         3 NO           1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g03b.log                            CURRENT
         3 NO           1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g03a.log                            CURRENT

Next we will create another table for storing in Redo log group #3.

execute immediate 'create table test1.test_active4 (a number)'; 
for i in 1 .. 100 
execute immediate 'insert into test1.test_active4 values (:a)' using i; 
end loop; 

SQL> alter system switch logfile;

System altered.

SQL>  select,a.archived,a.thread#,b.member,a.status from v$log a, v$logfile b where order by;

    GROUP# ARC    THREAD# MEMBER                                                            STATUS
---------- --- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
         1 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g01a.log                            INACTIVE
         1 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g01b.log                            INACTIVE
         2 NO           1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g02b.log                            CURRENT
         2 NO           1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g02a.log                            CURRENT
         3 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g03b.log                            ACTIVE
         3 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g03a.log                            ACTIVE

Next we will create another table for storing in Redo log group #2.
SQL> create table test1.test_active5 (a number);

Table created.

for i in 1 .. 100
execute immediate 'insert into test1.test_active5 values (:a)' using i;
end loop;
SQL>  alter system switch logfile;

System altered.

SQL>  select,a.archived,a.thread#,b.member,a.status from v$log a, v$logfile b where order by;

    GROUP# ARC    THREAD# MEMBER                                                            STATUS
---------- --- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
         1 NO           1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g01a.log                            CURRENT
         1 NO           1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g01b.log                            CURRENT
         2 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g02b.log                            ACTIVE
         2 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g02a.log                            ACTIVE
         3 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g03b.log                            ACTIVE
         3 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g03a.log                            ACTIVE

Next, we are going to create a table for storing the data in Redo GROUP# 1

SQL> create table test1.test_active6 (a number);

Table created.

SQL> declare
for i in 1 .. 100
execute immediate 'insert into test1.test_active6 values (:a)' using i;
end loop;

SQL> alter system switch logfile;

System altered.

SQL> select,a.archived,a.thread#,b.member,a.status from v$log a, v$logfile b where order by;

    GROUP# ARC    THREAD# MEMBER                                                            STATUS
---------- --- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
         1 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g01a.log                            ACTIVE
         1 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g01b.log                            ACTIVE
         2 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g02b.log                            ACTIVE
         2 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g02a.log                            ACTIVE
         3 NO           1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g03b.log                            CURRENT
         3 NO           1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g03a.log                            CURRENT

Now, we see two groups are in ACTIVE and ARCHIVED status.

4.       Now, we will remove all files for redo log group# 1 as mentioned in step 2.

[oracle@vm1 redofiles]$ mv redo_g01b.log redo_g01b.log.old; mv redo_g01a.log redo_g01a.log.old; kill -9 7678
[oracle@vm1 redofiles]$ ls -ltrh
total 601M
drwxr-x--- 5 oracle asmadmin 4.0K Feb  8 13:09 NOASMDB
-rw-r----- 1 oracle asmadmin 101M Feb 14 12:07 redo_g02b.log
-rw-r----- 1 oracle asmadmin 101M Feb 14 12:07 redo_g02a.log
-rw-r----- 1 oracle asmadmin 101M Feb 14 12:09 redo_g01b.log.old
-rw-r----- 1 oracle asmadmin 101M Feb 14 12:09 redo_g01a.log.old
-rw-r----- 1 oracle asmadmin 101M Feb 14 12:12 redo_g03b.log
-rw-r----- 1 oracle asmadmin 101M Feb 14 12:12 redo_g03a.log

5.       Next, we will start the instance in MOUNT and query v$log and v$logfile to see the status of the log files.  Redo logs are still in the same status.

SQL> select,a.archived,a.thread#,b.member,a.status from v$log a, v$logfile b where order by;

    GROUP# ARC    THREAD# MEMBER                                                            STATUS
---------- --- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
         1 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g01a.log                            ACTIVE
         1 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g01b.log                            ACTIVE
         2 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g02b.log                            ACTIVE
         2 YES          1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g02a.log                            ACTIVE
         3 NO           1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g03b.log                            CURRENT
         3 NO           1 /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g03a.log                            CURRENT

6.       Now, we will give “alter system checkpoint” and see what happens.

SQL> alter system checkpoint;
alter system checkpoint
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01109: database not open

7.       Now, we will try to open the db , it doesn’t open.

SQL> alter database open;
alter database open
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00313: open failed for members of log group 1 of thread 1
ORA-00312: online log 1 thread 1: '/data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g01b.log'
ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status
Linux-x86_64 Error: 2: No such file or directory
Additional information: 3
ORA-00312: online log 1 thread 1: '/data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g01a.log'
ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status
Linux-x86_64 Error: 2: No such file or directory
Additional information: 3

8.       Oracle documentation says, we need to recover the database until the FIRST_CHANGE# value SCN of the missing redo log files.
SQL> select group#,sequence#,members,archived,status,first_change#,next_change# from v$log order by group#;

---------- ---------- ---------- --- ---------------- ------------- ------------
         1         11          2 YES ACTIVE                 1365418      1365494
         2         10          2 YES ACTIVE                 1365349      1365418
         3         12          2 NO  CURRENT                1365494   2.8147E+14

Here missing redo log group is Group# 1 .

9.       Now, connect to rman.

[oracle@vm1 backup]$ rman target sys/sys catalog=rman_cat/rman_cat@testdb

Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Fri Feb 14 12:18:05 2014

Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

connected to target database: NOASMDB (DBID=1704132256, not open)
connected to recovery catalog database
RMAN> restore database until scn 1365418;

Starting restore at 14-FEB-14
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=135 device type=DISK
flashing back control file to SCN 1365418

channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile backup set restore
channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying datafile(s) to restore from backup set
channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring datafile 00001 to /data1/noasmdb/datafile/system01.dbf
channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring datafile 00002 to /data1/noasmdb/datafile/sysaux01.dbf
channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring datafile 00003 to /data1/noasmdb/datafile/testbkp01.dbf
channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring datafile 00004 to /data1/noasmdb/datafile/users01.dbf
channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring datafile 00005 to /data1/noasmdb/datafile/undotbs01.dbf
channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring datafile 00006 to /data1/noasmdb/datafile/newtest01.dbf
channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring datafile 00007 to /data1/noasmdb/datafile/novalidtbs01.dbf
channel ORA_DISK_1: reading from backup piece /home/oracle/backup/FullDBNOASM_i6p0ji78_1_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: piece handle=/home/oracle/backup/FullDBNOASM_i6p0ji78_1_1 tag=FULL DB
channel ORA_DISK_1: restored backup piece 1
channel ORA_DISK_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:12:16
Finished restore at 14-FEB-14

RMAN> recover database until scn 1365418;

Starting recover at 14-FEB-14
using channel ORA_DISK_1

starting media recovery

archived log for thread 1 with sequence 2 is already on disk as file /data1/noasmdb/archivelog/1_2_839349663.dbf
archived log for thread 1 with sequence 3 is already on disk as file /data1/noasmdb/archivelog/1_3_839349663.dbf
archived log for thread 1 with sequence 4 is already on disk as file /data1/noasmdb/archivelog/1_4_839349663.dbf
archived log for thread 1 with sequence 5 is already on disk as file /data1/noasmdb/archivelog/1_5_839349663.dbf
archived log for thread 1 with sequence 6 is already on disk as file /data1/noasmdb/archivelog/1_6_839349663.dbf
archived log for thread 1 with sequence 7 is already on disk as file /data1/noasmdb/archivelog/1_7_839349663.dbf
archived log for thread 1 with sequence 8 is already on disk as file /data1/noasmdb/archivelog/1_8_839349663.dbf
archived log for thread 1 with sequence 9 is already on disk as file /data1/noasmdb/archivelog/1_9_839349663.dbf
archived log for thread 1 with sequence 10 is already on disk as file /data1/noasmdb/redofiles/redo_g02a.log
archived log file name=/data1/noasmdb/archivelog/1_2_839349663.dbf thread=1 sequence=2
archived log file name=/data1/noasmdb/archivelog/1_3_839349663.dbf thread=1 sequence=3
archived log file name=/data1/noasmdb/archivelog/1_4_839349663.dbf thread=1 sequence=4
archived log file name=/data1/noasmdb/archivelog/1_5_839349663.dbf thread=1 sequence=5
archived log file name=/data1/noasmdb/archivelog/1_6_839349663.dbf thread=1 sequence=6
archived log file name=/data1/noasmdb/archivelog/1_7_839349663.dbf thread=1 sequence=7
archived log file name=/data1/noasmdb/archivelog/1_8_839349663.dbf thread=1 sequence=8
archived log file name=/data1/noasmdb/archivelog/1_9_839349663.dbf thread=1 sequence=9
media recovery complete, elapsed time: 00:00:20
Finished recover at 14-FEB-14

RMAN> alter database open resetlogs;

database opened
new incarnation of database registered in recovery catalog
starting full resync of recovery catalog
full resync complete

10.   Even the redo log files for group 1 are created by RMAN recover.
[oracle@vm1 redofiles]$ ls -ltrh
total 801M
drwxr-x--- 5 oracle asmadmin 4.0K Feb  8 13:09 NOASMDB
-rw-r----- 1 oracle asmadmin 101M Feb 14 12:09 redo_g01b.log.old
-rw-r----- 1 oracle asmadmin 101M Feb 14 12:09 redo_g01a.log.old
-rw-r----- 1 oracle asmadmin 101M Feb 14 12:32 redo_g03b.log
-rw-r----- 1 oracle asmadmin 101M Feb 14 12:32 redo_g03a.log
-rw-r----- 1 oracle asmadmin 101M Feb 14 12:32 redo_g02b.log
-rw-r----- 1 oracle asmadmin 101M Feb 14 12:32 redo_g02a.log
-rw-r----- 1 oracle asmadmin 101M Feb 14 12:33 redo_g01b.log
-rw-r----- 1 oracle asmadmin 101M Feb 14 12:33 redo_g01a.log

11.   Next, we need to see whether TEST_ACTIVE6  table exists or not exists.  For us, it should not exist as redo log file 1 was removed.
Let see..

SQL> select count(1) from test_active6;
select count(1) from test_active6
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

The table does NOT exists which means we lose few transactions and did Incomplete Recovery.


When we miss ACTIVE/CURRENT redo log file group which is ARCHIVED, we need to perfrom INCOMPLETE/MEDIA RECOVERY from the backup. 

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